SEO Service

Meet Leora Goldberg our SEO expert.

Leora has been working in Google for few years. She is the one who are going to operate and managing your successful SEO campaign.



Our strengths are...

  • Leora uses unique text to increase targeted keywords for better ranking. She ensure that you start off from the best possible foundation. by working internal links, useful sitemaps, a URL structure, and a server code response.  
  • Building your domain authority so that google can push you organically and to avoid Google penalties that typically block your duplicate or broken pages. 
  • Leora knows how to implement SEO strategies with the goal of driving traffic to your e-commerce store and increasing your conversion organically. We will help you target your audiences so that you will not throw your money on PPC paid ads without seeing results. 
  • Innovation - She use the top SEO innovative platforms to work efficiently and to maximize your data and conversions. 

Why to work with us?

  • Transparency -We are transparent - you will see tracking records and all the necessary data in your monthly report. 
  • We are based in the USA and don't outsource your SEO to a third party!!!! 
  • We are a USA-based company that provides services in your time zone, available for phone conferences and to answer your questions. 
  • Prices - contracts are for a minimum of 3 months. Our prices are determined by the size of your store and the amount of work needed. we offer a basic plan that weirds you to all the marketing and search engine optimization including Google Analytics, Google search console, and advanced SEO systems that will place you ahead of your competition.
